Benefits of Membership
Membership provides the following privileges:
1. Four issues of the Society's journal ALOE annually
2. Articles in the journal range from popular information on the cultivation of the succulents to scientific descriptions of new succulent species. Colour photos of plants in habitat are included in each issue. The illustrations are helpful in the identification of plants, both in collections and in the veld. The journal has already attained international status and is highly esteemed among succulent enthusiasts all over the world. Being an international journal the language used is English. More info & free copies.
3. Four or more issues of the newsletter KAMBROO annually
4. In this newsletter activities of the Society and its branches as well as other matters which are of interest to members are made known. Members have, for instance, the opportunity to swop plants and seed
5. Regular information on outings, meetings, shows, visits and plant rescue expeditions
6. The opportunity to meet members with similar interests and to make friends, both locally and all over the world
7. The opportunity to make a contribution towards the improvement of the knowledge of succulents and towards their conservation
How to join the Society?
Click here and fill in the online application form if you are a new member.
Click here if you wish to renew your current membership.
Membership fees:
- South Africa ZAR 250
- All other Countries $58 or 48 Euro
Membership fees are payable in advance and membership is for a calendar year. Members joining during the year receive all issues of the journal ALOE and the newsletter KAMBROO published during the year of joining.
The council of the Succulent Society invites you to become a member of the Society.